Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Part 1

a. Photographer- Carlos Delgado
b. focus- story
c. judges notes- and backgrounds, heavy on color (curves and levels), and hard to understand what photos are.
d. I didn't like this portfolio because I never really knew what was happening and what each photo was. I was kind of confused. Also, the photos had bad lighting and weren't very focused.
Carlos Delgado portfolio Analysis

a. Photographer- Jordan Murph
b. focus- sports
c. judges notes- choose one focus point, a lot of the same pictures, don't like silhouettes
d. the judges liked the lighting of a lot of them and they liked the different concepts of each picture.
e. I liked this portfolio because all of the pictures were really good and had really great focus points.
Jordan Murph Portfolio Analysis

a. Photographer- Travis Haughton
b. focus- stories
c. judges notes- didn't like how the back of a head is dominating some pictures, disproportionate photos, and looks set up
d. the judges like that some of the photos are weird but they stand out, good concepts.
e. I don't like this portfolio because the pictures are kind of generic and boring.
Travis Haughton's Portfolio Analysis

Winning portfolio- Dustin Snipes
a. everybody is doing something in a lot of the pictures, they liked the different concepts the photographer had, and they liked how some things were focused and some things weren't

b. I noticed a lot of strengths the photographer had. One being that he always got the pictures at the perfect time. The only real weakness I noticed was that he did you a lot of photoshop around some parts of the pictures.

- To pick the winner, the judges had to go through all the portfolios again and talk about them and talk about what pictures they liked and didn't like.

Part 2

Individual Photos

1. One Photo that I agree with the judges on is the photo with

2. One photo that I don't agree with the judges on is

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