Monday, March 28, 2016

Sensory Overload

1. "I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.
a. I think this statement is very true because more and more people view the area they live in by the items they own and buy and not by the buildings or architecture
b. I agree with this statement as I said above.
c. as an aspiring photographer this makes me feel like I want to take pictures of buildings and architecture and bring out the beauty in it and bring attention to them.
2. When I saw the images of the different shops, I did want to go there and see all the stuff in person and take my camera to take pictures because I thought it was all so fascinating and interesting.
3. I think being a child of someone who worked in one of these places would be really cool because younger children like bight colors and toys, so being able to go there anytime would be super cool.
4. My favorite photo is the one with the girl sitting in the small space with the bright neon flowers all around her. This is my favorite one because she is just sitting there like it is no big deal and I would be looking all around in aw and would probably have to wear sunglasses.

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