Thursday, March 31, 2016

My first Interview

Questions for Student of the Month:

1. How does it feel to be student of the month? Being student of the month feels really great and I am excited for what it has in store for me.

2. Were you and your family happy/proud? why? what did they do? My family was proud because they knew I worked really hard for this.
3. What did you have to do to become student of the month? I had  to do some community service and get good grades.
4. Have you been working hard to become student of the month, or did it just happen? I worked really hard for this.
5. How did your friends react when you got student of the month? what did they do? They were really happy and proud of me and congratulated me a lot.
6. Were you surprised when this happened? What did you do? I was pretty surprised and told a few people I know when I found out about the reward.
7. What do you plan to do as student of the month? I plan to continue working hard, doing more work , and help people.
8. What kind of pressure is on you being student of the month? Pressure that is on me is to be doing a good job and continue helping the people around me.
9.  After your experiences so far, would you ever want to be student of the month of you could? Yes, but I wouldn't want to take away opportunities from other people.
10. Did you have to make mostly A's to become this role as a student? I have to have pretty much all A's.
11. What does it mean to you to be student of the month? It means to work hard, make other people's lives better, and work hard in my own life.
12. Were the votes from teachers or students? The voters were mainly teachers, but there were some student voters.
13. Could the voters vote more than once? I honestly don't know
14. Was this a big accomplishment to you? Yes, because it shows how hard I have worked to accomplish this.
15.  have other students in the school been acting different around you since you were chosen student of the month? not really, but more people have been recognizing me.
16. If so, have they acted more positive or more negative? describe how. They have acted more positive.
17. Are you involved in sports or any other school related activities? i am involved in community service along with some other clubs outside of school.
18. What do you plan to do after high School? I plan to go to college and continue to do more community service.
19. Have you ever gotten an award like this in previous years? If so, what was it? No, this was my first school related award.
20. Do you think this award will help you later in life? what for? Yes, this award will push me to work harder later in life

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