Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Learning How to Interview #1

Assignment #1

Topic: School Uniforms
Sources to Interview: Teachers, students, Administrators
1. What do you think about the new uniforms?
2. Are you angry, happy, or mutual about getting uniforms?
3. What do you think the uniforms will be like?
4. Do you think you will like the uniforms?
5. Do you think it will be confusing seeing everyone wearing the same thing
6. Do you and your peers agree with this new rule?
7. Did you know ahead of time the school would be getting uniforms?
8. Is it fair that only students have to wear uniforms and not staff?
9. do you think the girls or lys will be more affected? why?
10. What is one thing you would change about the uniforms?
11. Will the environment of the school change? why?
12. Why did the school decide to get uniforms?
13. Will these uniforms get in the way of self expression?
14. Do you think these uniforms will follow school colors?
15. How long do you think these uniforms will last?
16. Will these uniforms make the school a better place? Why?
17. Will the school stay the same? Why?
18. Have you ever gone/ worked at a school with a uniform dress code? If so, what was it like, did you like it?
19. How long ago did the school make the decision to add a uniform dress code?
20. Is there anyone you know who is excited or happy about the new uniforms? why?

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