Wednesday, October 28, 2015


1. I thought this article was very interesting because I have never knew that some one would wait up to 2-3 weeks just to take a couple of photos. I also really liked his concept of getting know how the animals acted round him and waiting to get the perfect shot and how he wanted the sky and the background to be in it instead of just focusing on the animal itself. These photos are very interesting because the animals look like they are photo shopped but that is just how they were positioned naturally.
3. This photo is my favorite of Nick Brandt's because it shows the beauty of the animal and how big they really are compared to a human. I also really like this photo because I love how the sky is the background and the elephant is looking down to the camera almost. Another reason it is my favorite is because elephants are my favorite animal and I really like how the photo shows the detail and beauty of the elephant.
4. The rule of photography that is evident tin this photo is simplicity because it is just one elephant just standing there and a plain sky as the background with no movement, just stillness.
5. The camera and lens that Nick Brandt uses are a Pentax 6711 with only two fixed lenses. this is important because he does not like to use a zoom lens, he likes to create a collection of panoramas of the animals and subjects of his photos.
6. His reason for taking these photos is to remember that the animals of Africa are being killed in massive amounts every year to provide food for poor people.
7. His hope for taking these photos is to hopefully persuade people to donate to charities that help protect the animals and the habitat around them.
8. "In 1995 I first drove the main road from Nairobi down through southern Kenya to Arusha in northern Tanzania. Along the way, in completely unprotected areas, I saw giraffes, zebras, gazelles, impalas, wildebeest."

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