Friday, October 30, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Challenges I encountered while trying to take these photos were that in most of the classrooms the students were just listening to the teachers and not dong anything so it was hard to get really interesting photos.
2. The technical aspects of taking the photos that I mostly payed attention to was holding the camera and making sure it is in focus and also getting good, interesting angles which wasn't very easy to do.
3. Things I would do differently would be going to different classrooms instead of just the core classes because those classes are boring. I would also change how I take the picture like last time I  just stood in the back of the room and took pictures and I feel like i would change that by getting closer to the students and hat they are doing to get a really good photo.
4. Things I would do the same would be that I wasn't shy to just walk in the room and take pictures and I would also move around the room to get pictures of different students.
5. The rule that I think would be the easiest to achieve would be leading lines or rule of thirds because those are some of the easiest ones and can sometimes be the most interesting.
6. The rule that I thing is the hardest to capture would either be framing or balance because fro framing, there isn't always something to frame your subject in the photo and I feel like you really have to look out for that because it can be very difficult. With balance, this would be hard because there also aren't really a lot of things that can balance each other out in the photo  without having a lot of distracting things in the background.
7. I am not really not clear on any of the rules.

Link to Student's Blog

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