Friday, October 30, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I was kind of creeped out by these abandoned parks because all of the rides were all rusty and the statues of people were chipped and falling over in some of the theme parks. I honestly would never go there because I would get too creeped out. Especially in the parks in like Germany and japan because those look even older and dirtier and some look like a tornado hit it.
2. This a park in Japan that opened in 1988 and only stayed open for 10 years.
3. Other unusual places to photograph would be maybe an abandoned hotel, an abandoned asylum, a cemetery, an abandoned prison, abandoned grocery store.
4. abandoned asylum
5. Think it would be cool to photograph an abandoned asylum because it is really creepy and the photos would have a really creepy essence and it would just make the picture look so much cooler. I also think this would look cool because the darkness of it and being able to make up your own stories about what has happened and who the patients were.
6. I don't think anything could make me go to a place like this because it  is a little too creepy for me and I would get too scared. equipment you would need to photograph here would be a camera and maybe a night vision camera if you are planning to spend the night. Flying arrangements  depend on where it is other than that you can just drive there.

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