Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. This article was about different photographers in different countries that have photo shopped important images and changed what they look like by carelessly using tools on photo shop, removing people from photos, adding people, and ect. This is unacceptable because these photographers were ruining the photo and cutting important people out of them instead of keeping the original photo like they are supposed to do. I also think this is unacceptable because the photographers are putting the changed, unoriginal photos in newspaper articles and going against the newspaper rules and what the people believe in.

I think this picture is the most unethical because they had no reason to change to teeth to look like that. I think they should have changed the picture back to how it originally was before they published it and used it as the front cover of the magazine.

I think this photo is the least unethical because they didn't really do anything wrong. All they did was move the pyramid to make it fit the cover more. It didn't make anything look bad and they didn't offend anyone by doing it in any way. Also, if I hadn't known that this picture was photo shopped I would have no idea that the pyramid was moved over.

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