Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

Peer's Blog- link
1. The photo I like the best is the photo with the "eight" prompt because I really like the simplicity of it and how it is just focused the the numbers and the lockers are blurred in the back
2. I would have to say that my least favorite image is the photo with the "the end" prompt because it is kind of plain and boring and I don't really see why it's "the end".
3. Things I really liked overall were the different interpretations of the prompts we were given and the angles of each photo.
4. I would say he needs to improve on different lighting and using aperture and shutter speed to his advantage more.
5. I think he did the best portraying "connected" because it shows all of  the flags of the world connected so it's like the whole world is connected.
6. I think "the end" was least successfully portrayed because it is just kind of plain and there is nothing to it.

My comment- link

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