Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

what a good yearbook has:
-interesting cover
-table of contents
-good stories
-high quality pictures
-good quotes and captions
-pages aren't too crowded
-staff section
-student section
-sports section
-club section
-student polls
-things that make you laugh
-student life outside of school
-student style
-band/orchestra section
-student hobbies
-fine arts
-autograph section
-page numbers
-student names
-grade sections
1. the title of my book is "Simply Connected"
2. The school is Klein Oak High School
3. the thematic element is that all the students in the school are connected in some way or another
4. there are 12 sections in my book
5. my favorite spread would be student life cause it's interesting to see what students do outside of school
6. yes there is an index
7. yes there are photos of clubs and groups of students
8. yes there is a table of contents
9. population: 1,929
10. The school is in Texas

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

Peer's Blog- link
1. The photo I like the best is the photo with the "eight" prompt because I really like the simplicity of it and how it is just focused the the numbers and the lockers are blurred in the back
2. I would have to say that my least favorite image is the photo with the "the end" prompt because it is kind of plain and boring and I don't really see why it's "the end".
3. Things I really liked overall were the different interpretations of the prompts we were given and the angles of each photo.
4. I would say he needs to improve on different lighting and using aperture and shutter speed to his advantage more.
5. I think he did the best portraying "connected" because it shows all of  the flags of the world connected so it's like the whole world is connected.
6. I think "the end" was least successfully portrayed because it is just kind of plain and there is nothing to it.

My comment- link

prompt shoot 3

The End