Friday, December 18, 2015

Final Extra Credit!!

1. The man pushed killed by the subway was pushed into the tracks by a panhandler after trying to calm him down just moments before the subway was coming through. The photographer took this photo using his flash to try to signal to the train to stop but he was too late and the train wasn't able to stop fast enough.
2. The photographer took the photo to try to stop the train with his camera flash, but the train couldn't stop fast enough.
3. I don't think this photo should have been taken because it seems like he was more concerned about getting a good photo than he was about helping the man, and his story doesn't sound very believable because the train driver might have just thought he was taking a normal picture and here was no way for the driver to know he was about to hit someone. I think the photographer should have just helped the man.
4. No, i don't think he did the best thing he could have done because he had plenty of time to help the man but instead he decided to take pictures of the tragedy.
5. I don't agree with the decision to put this on the front page because just because the photographer took it doest mean it should be published for everyone to see.
6. In most photos you see, it seems as though it is more important to get a good photo than save or help someone from trouble to the photojournalists. For example, in the 9/11 photos, most of the pictures are of people getting crushed or burned and the photographers don't even care to help them, they just want to get a good picture. I am sure that is not truer, but that is what it seems like.
7. I do and I don't think it is ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve them selves in a photo depending on what the context is. If they are getting a picture of someone in trouble just to get a good story, it is not ethically right, but if they are photographing someone being helped, it is ethically acceptable.
8. i don't think photojournalists should avoid influencing events, but they should be aware of what they are doing and if they are doing the right thing or not.
9. The most appropriate response from the photographer was that he was just trying to help by trying to stop the subway from hitting the man.

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