Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Opinion Story

Is Dance a sport?

       Many people don't consider dance as a sport. They think it is illy and it's just a hobby, but according to us dancers it is more than just a hobby or something to do in our free time, to us it's a career and an lifestyle.
       I believe that dance is a sport without a doubt because we use the same amount of muscle and maybe even more to get the momentum to get in the air and leap as the amount of muscle volley ball players or soccer players do.
       To be able to dance one must have to be flexible, strong and have stamina to move our bodies and have the perfect technique. Dance takes lots and lots of years of practice and so does any other sport.
       Dancers get college scholarships just like any other football player or soccer player or any other sport players. If dance wasn't a sport, there wouldn't be schools or lessons.
       I am aware that the argument of dance being a sport has been going on since the beginning of sports and dance, but to me and all other dancers, it' snot a question at all.
      What people don't realize when they tell us dance isn't a sport is that it can be very hurtful and bring down our self esteem for doing what we love. A lot of my friends who were dancers quit because of people telling them it's  not a sport and they are just silly for doing it. 
       I know I am not the only one who thinks this and i am sure there are lots of other people arguing about this topic. If you are dancers or just an ordinary person and you think dance is a sport, say something. Don't let people bring you down just for doing what you love or something you are passionate about.

Monday, May 16, 2016

HDR intro

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
you will need to set the chart to change the lighting
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?
we will need to use a tripod so the camera doesn't move
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?
Someone might take an HDR image to get a really good quality image by merging different photos with different lighting together
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?
We might see a halo effect around some of the objects

Friday, May 6, 2016

HDR images




1. My favorite photo is the photo of the man fishing because I think it is super cool how the camera could capture the fishing line being casted out. I also love the mountain is in the back.
2. no, it does not seem like all these could have been taken with a phone because they are so good and clear.
3. I think the apps these people could have used impacted it a little bit, but not a lot because the regular camera on the phone did most of the work.
4. tips:
-get a good angle and try to focus on one main thing in the photo
-make sure the lighting is good and take multiple pictures in a row so you have a variety to choose from